About Exchange

The District and National Exchange Club exist for the purpose of assisting local Exchange Clubs. It is the responsibility of district officers, directors, and committees to provide leadership and direction to local Exchange Clubs, helping the Clubs to function more effectively and efficiently. These district leaders coordinate training and educational activities for club officers, and assist them in setting attainable goals and meeting club success indicators. District leaders lend encouragement to Exchange Clubs, motivating them to be the best they can be in the areas of program excellence, growth and leadership development. District leaders, knowledgeable of club, district, and national policies and programs, help to effectively convey important and useful information to clubs as well. The bylaws list the following basic purposes of a district:

  1. Building of Exchange Clubs.
  2. Increasing fellowship between clubs within the district.
  3. Strengthening existing Clubs.
  4. Promoting the participation of local clubs in the Program of Service.